Strawberry pizzas take the internet by storm, here's why..
Things are getting quite quirky with pizzas as the strawberry pizza takes the internet by storm, so we've explored all the best berry pizzas recipes to let you know which ones are worth a bite...
Blackberry Fennel Pizza
This pizza pushes the envelope but the results are a flavour hit, fresh and bright this pizza works as a light appetiser.
Very Berry Brownie Pizza
This dessert pizza is a sure fire hit, every part of it is delicious: brownie base, whipped coconut cream topping and all those fresh berries!
Blackberry, Basil & Ricotta Pizza
Dress up your pizza with something a little different like this blackberry basil ricotta combo - it’s elegant, it’s simple and it’s totally delicious!
Watermelon Pizza
Bite into a slice of sunshine with this easy, low carb dessert.
Strawberry, Basil & Feta Pizza
This recipe puts all the strawberry pizza recipes to shame, the strawberries and feta are a winning combo and must be tried!
Have you tried berries on your pizza? Let us see them on social with #myberryworld